Angela Miller
Angela Miller is a 2nd grade teacher at Haymarket Elementary School in Haymarket VA, who was originally slated to be a short-term substitute for a teacher who was on maternity leave. When the teacher decided in January to stay home for the rest of the school year, Angela stepped up to the challenge and decided to stay on. Little did she know what was about to happen.
Over the last two months, she has continued to guide and encourage her students in multiple ways. To help strengthen the students’ resolve and their bond as a class (even remotely!), she created and delivered a t-shirt to all 27 of her students with the phrase, “Miller Cubs Don’t Quit”, referencing the school’s mascot the Bear Cubs.
You are awesome, Angela Miller!
We are also very appreciative of Cory Nicastro with Atkinson Insurance Agency! Cory is our Mission Partner for this OYG Hero presentation. Please reach out to Cory to let him know how much we appreciate his support!