Kara Drinkwater
Have you ever had someone in your life who drops absolutely everything to help you, no matter what? Well, our #OYGHero Kara Drinkwater is just this type of person – and her friends and family continue to be overwhelmed by her kind-hearted and generous nature.
And since the pandemic hit, Kara continues to go above and beyond helping friends and strangers alike by providing food, financial resources and any other type of assistance that may be needed, all while being a mom to three boys and working full-time! In a time when others might shy away, Kara has redoubled her efforts and continues to be an incredible example of what a true hero looks like!
And while we’re being appreciative of the people doing good in our world, a very special thank you to Integral Business Counsel, our Mission Partner for this Hero presentation. Please visit their website to let them know how much we appreciate their support!